Why Day Trading and Swing Trading is the best side gig or hobby.

I’ll answer this in multiple layers.

First, let’s talk about 2 major ways to make money (assuming you’re not talking about inherence and winning prizes). It’s either through work or through passive income.

Passive income includes investing in dividend paying stocks, and/or bonds, CDs. Anything that’s “set and forget” would be passive, including collecting royalties after a book is already written.

Work means trading time and/or labor for money. Swing trading and day trading is the latter category, it’s not passive. Passive is great, but for most people with less than 100,000, you probably can’t get more than 1% a month or $1000 a month, so not enough to rely on for living.

Secondly. since we are talking about working, think about how much you can make TODAY within an hour. $5? $50? $500? That’s where the selection process begins. If you can make $100 an hour, good for you. If you can only make $5 per hour normally, then you should start looking for more ways.

Or alternatively, within the realm of “working” there’s basically 2 major categories: consistent time exchange, or skilled, challenging, trained work. Being a landlord would be considered the former, being a trader would also be the former. So to be clear, daily trading is closer to consistent income, like a per hour job.

Thirdly, why is day trading predictable? Because the biggest factor for profits is how much money you have. So it’s very much like owning a reseller business, but with far less labor, far faster transactions, far fewer moving parts. Just like being a landlord, the biggest predictor is how much your property is worth, not how many hours you put in.

Following? We have established that day trading is a form of income that’s not passive, but also predictable.

Why is day trading better than owning a business? Simplicity is key. Day trading has just as much consistency as business hours, and has far fewer external factors and risks.

Fourthly. if I’ve convinced you to trade, why is stocks better than forex or options or cryptocurrency or flipping houses? That’s both easy to answer and hard to debunk or argue against. Stocks are shares of a company, this means there’s always inherent value as long as the economy is moving. Stocks have specific trading hours, this means there are 5 days a week, and some bad days too. Stocks are subject to news and events, far more directly than speculative forex and cryptocurrency. Stocks are more concrete and material than crypto. But why not options? Options expire once a week, you have to be twice right, if not thrice. You need to be right on the direction, amount and day.

Let’s rank again.
Stocks are best because they are both intrinsic value and only trades 5 days a week.

Forex is bad because while they have intrinsic value, there’s far less news to influence a daily fluctuation.

Cryptocurrency is bad because you’re a fucking idiot if you still don’t know.

Options is bad because you need to be right thrice: direction, amount and date. (or rather, price and date, as opposed to just price)

Dave Ramsey says “don’t mix your finances until you’re married” and he’s still wrong.

Don’t mix your finances PERIOD.

YES, even if you’re married.

Common excuses for mixing finances

  1. It’s so much more convenient to have access at all times
  2. What if emergency?
  3. It’s “our money” because we agree to marry and share
  4. One of us makes less, so we’ll need it
  5. I stay home, so I know what expenses are needed, so I should have just as much say as the earner
  6. Isn’t visibility the key to accountability?
  7. How else would I see if my spouse is spending money secretly?
  8. 2 roofs costs more than 1
  9. How can I trust I’ll have access unless I always do?


  1. Convenient to make mistakes and ignore correcting them
  2. If you’re worried about emergency, have an emergency fund each person can access separately
  3. You don’t need to share every penny, each person should have specific needs and allowances
  4. Especially if one person makes less, you should agree how to split it
  5. Again, nothing that can’t be solved with agreed allowance
  6. Nope. Visibility may be necessary for accountability, but it’s hardly sufficient for it. Visibility that your spouse is overspending means jack shit unless you’re willing to take action.
  7. Fun fact: your spouse will find ways to hide, steal and spend if they wanted to, sharing finances won’t prevent it.
  8. That’s true, 2 roofs cost more than 1, but sharing expenses will make that roof you allegedly saved irrelevant when you can’t watch and control spending
  9. Aha! This is the crux and key, if you can’t trust your spouse will give you money on request, YOU GOT PROBLEMS. You need to sit down and talk through it, you can’t expect it’ll work out just because you share money.

TLDR : transparency is overrated. If you can’t trust each other, then that is a problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of who is the breadwinner, or who needs more money, there’s no reason to mix finances, even if you share common goals. There’s literally nothing that sharing finances can achieve other than convenience to spend more. Separation makes accountability and trust far more critical.

Yes, despite price, Apple still makes the best products.

After just ranting about iPhone 14’s impossible repair, let’s be honest, if you’re not talking about physical damage, and only replacing wear and tear, Apple’s products, whether desktop, laptop or phone, still lasts longer, and easier to repair for the products of the same price range.

That’s just a fact.

You can hate Apple all you want, but the need to repair and replace is literally less than all alternatives, there’s no stats to counter this at all.

Nobody needs a new smartphone.

There’s no real exciting new features. In fact, they’re getting rid of features.

Charging port? Earphone jack? Home button? Who even remembers removable battery?

Apple still wins on lifespan of phones, but their latest 14 is FUCKING HELL to tear down and repair.

“Linux is free” (if you don’t value your time)

This is still true, and here are the facts.

Who the fuck cares if it’s free or paid? If it can’t do everything you need, what difference does it make how much you paid?

Like, anybody knows somebody who is giving away a “free” computer, but guess why we don’t take it and use it? DUH.

Here’s a Linux expert giving object reviews on why Linux still sucks in 2023.

Dumb money: Free, easy, lazy and fast.

Free money : this refers to money that’s literally sitting and waiting for you to grab it. This refers to CDs, guaranteed interest.

Easy: Credit card & bank account churning, especially for welcome bonuses. They are relatively predictable, easy to do, and pay usually within 3 months (not as fast as a gig, which should pay either same day or same week)

Lazy: Index funds, dividend investing. Low risk but predictable long term growth. Consistent monthly, quarterly or yearly payments

Fast: Day trade, side gigs and basically more labor and skill. Not easy, not free, but at least fast if you’re able.

Diversify & Invest, everything you need to know. CD to leverage funds.

  1. You should never make less than CD rates. (Implied : if you settle for less, you’re being ripped off)
  2. If you need liquidity, keep it in cash, period
  3. If you give up liquidity, it needs to pay at least CD rates (in today’s case, that’s 5%)
  4. US stock market annual average long term is 7% minimum
  5. Therefore, if you make 1% in a month or less, you should SELL. This is a no brainer, quick while you’re ahead
  6. Remember, again, CDs pay 5%, there’s literally no reason you should settle for less. Just like you shouldn’t pay more than $800 for a laptop unless it’s better than a Macbook Air.
  7. Once you decide to invest, take risk, it not only needs to beat 5%, it also needs to beat 7%. Or else, you’re taking risk just to barely make 2% (7 minus 5)
  8. CD or bonds, all banks are FDIC 250,000. Don’t let SVB’s luck blur your vision, don’t play with fire when it comes to fungible liquid cash. Never hold a bank account over 250,000.
  9. Series I bonds are great for beginners, but 10,000 a year cap may not be very useful if you have over $1M.
  10. Passive is always better than active, just like no risk is always better than risk. When you take on risk or do manual work, you need to justify that effort and time cost
  11. Saying you should have fun is a given, it’s an understatement, but you should really know your stuff, and teach others.
  12. You shouldn’t try to “beat the market” insofar as beating the market on a long term or daily basis, but you SHOULD beat the known market average of 7%, and you will if you constantly cash out when you gain 1% in less than a month. This is not a guarantee, but it’s a logical conclusion, and you should still think about how much time you’re willing to put it.
  13. Dividends, reliable dividends will be 4% or less, this may look on the surface like it’s less than 5% CD, but you should also account for the stock price growth. So the short answer is: dividend aristocrats and dividend kings win against CDs most of the time, even if this year is an exception.
  14. So yes, now those reliable dividends may be at a discount. (compare to 2008 for context)
  15. Fuck gold, fuck HODL. (HODL rush? LOL)

Japanese Tamagotchi conditioned addiction to digital devices

This was one of the first devices that was designed to constantly ask for your attention.

It wasn’t a game that gave you challenges or rewards that you immediately see, it was based on guilt tripping you to always look at it. As boring and stupid as the game was, people fell for it, because frankly there was nothing better.

This came out around 1996, when we already had GameBoy, GameGear and many other hand held games. The main selling point was that it was compact, bigger than a digital watch, but smaller than almost everything else.

As you can guess, G-Shock and Baby G eventually made them boring too.

If you think smartphones were “designed” to be addictive, you may be too lucky to not know how Tamagotchi worked.

Smartphones are addictive because they are interactive, they display multi media, and they connect you with living people. Tamagotchi literally did none of these, it was a small game that shamed you for not keeping a fake chicken or dinosaur alive.

2024, Republicans will never win again.

Just so you know, Bush in 2004 was literally the last time a Republican won the popular vote in the US.

So for almost 20 years, it’s never happened again. Trump lost the popular vote, but was elected because 3 States totaling about 80,000 votes gave him the electoral votes to win.

Biden won in 2020 by an even smaller margin, around 45,000 votes in the closest 3 States. That being side, Republicans still lost the popular vote, and they’ll never win again.

Here’s why we know:

  1. Republican policies are deeply unpopular, this was made abundantly obvious with the overturning of Roe v Wade
  2. Income inequality and police brutality are no longer background noise, they are now front and center.
  3. Trump BARELY made a dent in the trajectory of Gen Z to think differently and/or reject mainstream beliefs, THAT FAILED. It all failed when COVID hit, it all failed when Chauvin murdered Floyd, and when he lost, the fate of Republicans are nailed in. Young people won’t vote Republican because nobody else will.
  4. Fake culture wars. While Republicans might be legitimately griping about inflation, they never offered a solution, not even one. They’re too busy bragging about their meme wars, and this is why Democrats will never need to worry about dumbasses voting any other way.
  5. LGBTQ rights are no longer a matter of debate, Republicans are the only ones trying to stall.
  6. Infighting. This is the best part, Republicans barely won the house, and they can’t even stick together. Sure. Manchin and Sinema are crooks, but nothing like Boebert and Gates and Taylor Greene.
  7. Here’s the best part : Talk radio and Fox News can’t even sustain a straight face, they don’t even believe what they say. They only support Republicans to avoid taxes.
  8. Republicans won’t lose support to Democrats if they became more gay friendly or abortion friendly, meaning, Democrats also won’t lose votes to Republicans if they lowered taxes and refused immigrants or cut social programs. It’s that simple, neither are ideal choices, but Republicans will keep losing.