Bacon Cipher used by Aryan Brotherhood

It’s been said, that the Aryan Brotherhood leaders sent out a coded message to order an assault.

The message was encoded using Baconian cipher and then character placement.

The decoded message has the name “Chris” in it, they never tell us who CHRIS is.
Confirm message from Chris to move on DC
How do we know DC, Chris, to, On, can’t be scrambled as other words?

Also, the alleged “hit and miss” message, written in invisible ink, is said to have “TD” at the end.

There was no physical evidence of such a letter, so could it be that the message was made up by the person testifying?

I wonder though, whether defense attorneys tried to argue against the multiple levels of encoding.

First there was a message on the surface.
Then he had to write in 2 type faces (very carefully)
Then he had to make sure A & B are what they are (the opposite would be devastating)
The letters decoded by Baconian cipher had to THEN be character replacement decoded.
Up to this point, is it possible they simply had a different AB system?
After that, the letters had to be unscrambled.
Why bother?
This means you had to get the vowels and number of words correct, or the message can be misunderstood.
If they went through the trouble of Baconian cipher, why not get it right into plain text?

Is it possible that prosecution had to actually make up such a sophisticated conspiracy theory?

Using an anagram creator:

ConfirmmessagefromChristomoveonDC (33 letters)
Gets you something like this:

A Coincidence Fervors Goof Hmm Storms
A Coincidence Groves Off Hmm Ms Rotors

with these as other possible words

Seriously now, why bother saying “from Chris to move on DC” when you can say “Go get DCB” “Get the blacks DC”
Isn’t “Confirm message from to” a waste a letters for all that hard work?

Whatever happens, it’s global warming!

No matter what happens, it always confirms their basic premise that the world is getting hotter.

Does that sound familiar? Compare that to denier Andrew’s line :
A change in temperature no matter the amount does not justify AGW and thus cannot justify AGW alarmism.

Somebody’s wrong, and I see somebody has a double standard here 🙂

Rethink “free market”

When idiots spend $30 on a bracelet they THINK will help them balance their power, or natural energy flow (whatever the fuck that means), is it right to say they’ve been scammed?

Sure, the same idiots spend $30 extra on a t-shirt or bracelet just for trendy looks too. But if its just for fashion and psychological comfort, shouldn’t it be advertised as such?

Power Balance admission to Australia

Power Balance wristbands

In our advertising we stated that Power Balance wristbands improved your strength, balance and flexibility.

We admit that there is no credible scientific evidence that supports our claims and therefore we engaged in misleading conduct in breach of s52 of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

If you feel you have been misled by our promotions, we wish to unreservedly apologise and offer a full refund.

To obtain a refund please visit our website or contact us toll-free on 1800 733 436

This offer will be available until 30th June 2011. To be eligible for a refund, together with return postage, you will need to return a genuine Power Balance product along with proof of purchase (including credit card records, store barcodes and receipts) from an authorised reseller in Australia.

This Corrective Notice has been paid for by Power Balance Australia Pty Ltd and placed pursuant to an undertaking to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission given under section 87B of the Trade Practices Act, 1974.

Dear retards : Buy a power balance bracelet and feel better

How brain dead do you have to be?

The website doesn’t even have an FAQ page, and admit its close to “Eastern philosophies”

What is Power Balance?

Power Balance is Performance Technology designed to work with your body’s natural energy field.
(care to detail?)
Founded by athletes, (not doctors or scientists) Power Balance is a favorite among elite athletes for whom balance, strength and flexibility are important. (balance of WHAT? Chi?)

•How Does the Hologram Work?

Power Balance is based on the idea of optimizing the body’s natural energy flow
(The idea, not science , what is natural energy flow?)

, similar to concepts behind many Eastern philosophies.
(I take it they can’t make up another basis, or else why not cite the best support you got? They’re probably not even sure which philosophies there are)

The hologram in Power Balance is designed to resonate with and respond to the natural energy field of the body.
(How about some details? Resonate ? That’s a pretty serious chemistry term!)

Prominent Climatologists Skeptical of global warming

Sorry, it’s actually
Prominent Climatologists Skeptical of AGW Alarm

That’s right, even so, Poptech can only find:
Christy, Singer, Spencer, Lindzen, Michaels, Idso.

Meaning he had to STRETCH the inclusiveness to “alarm” to get 6.
Imagine if he had to ask for “skeptical of GW” or “skeptical of AGW”.

If we applied the standards :
“Follow the money”
Spencer is out for involvement with GMI/GCMI, Heartland.
“Political bias”
Michaels is out for working with Cato
“IPCC is corrupt”
Christy is out for being a former IPCC member
“They changed their mind”
Singer is out for first claiming GW isn’t real, now he says it’s unstoppable.

See? Why do deniers accuse people of things THEY aren’t free from?

1,000 peer reviewed scientific articles skeptical of global warming

Sorry kids, the list of such articles doesn’t exist.

You will not find:
1,000 peer reviewed SCIENTIFIC papers supporting skepticism of AGW
1,000 peer reviewed NATURAL SCIENCE papers supporting skepticism of AGW
1,000 peer reviewed papers skeptical of AGW
1,000 peer reviewed papers skeptical of global warming
1,000 peer reviewed SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ARTICLES supporting skepticism of AGW
1,000 peer reviewed SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ARTICLES supporting skepticism of global warming

In order to push the numbers up. has to be incredibly inclusive of what counts as “peer reviewed” and include “journals” which are sometimes not even natural science (much less climatology).

If the goal is show there’s no scientific consensus, first, one must define what is consensus. Usually when scientists say “there is a consensus”, they don’t mean scientists of all disciplines voted to say yes.

WHAT THEY MEAN, is that scientists in the relevant field, (climatology when talking about GW, biology when talking about evolution) have published peer reviewed studies (not just analysis on other studies, but also first hand studies) in support of the theory.

To argue against scientific consensus on AGW, you must only cite climatologists (regardless of how subjective it can be) which published climatology related papers. Economic and social policy papers cannot be included to argue against scientific community’s alleged “consensus”.

Merry Christmas from Julian Assange

News story says he “turns”.

He’s only human, the fact he fell for the honey trap is enough proof he’s nowhere above what governments and money can offer. I have no reason to believe he’s working for any government or undercover for anybody, but I know he’s got more information than he’s told us, and it’ll only keep coming.

Eventually, some of his friends and colleagues will be exposed (that’s the price you pay for talking to the press like you fear nothing). Fuck with the government, they’ll get you, whether it’s legal or moral.

# Assange attacks former friends and US
# Says rape accusers motivated by revenge
# Claims to have material to destroy bank boss
# Police feared he would be assassinated

(obviously somebody in the US government want him dead, so its no doubt one can just be hiding amongst the support crowd waiting for his release) If anything, I was always surprised nobody touched him during the press conference in England a few months back.