How to get hacked, from data leak to real life stalking

  1. Use your real name
  2. Use your real name in your e-mail address
  3. Always tell people about your birthday
  4. Give out your phone number regularly
  5. Publish your phone number when you’re running a business (not having a separate phone number for each purpose)
  6. Recycle the same e-mail address and username.
  7. Oh, here’s the best part : recycle passwords!
  8. Use Gmail! That’s a good one!
  9. Keep your Facebook profile public
  10. Always voice your political opinions
  11. Buy from random people on eBay, Craigslist and whoever has the best deal
  12. Use a VPN and think you can get away with crimes and porn
  13. Always use your favorite cash back rewards card
  14. Download all the great coupon apps, to get those discounts, who wants to pay full price?
  15. Have things shipped to your home, who wants to pay extra?
  16. Order delivery to your home, why walk another foot?
  17. Don’t forget to subscribe to text alerts!

Stop doing it!

  1. Don’t download apps you don’t need
  2. Constantly check if your OS & apps are updated
  3. NEVER reuse passwords, NEVER.
  4. Always assume passwords are hacked, so keep them random and never let a password reveal your train of thought (passphrases are a weak link into your thought process)
  5. NEVER rely on memory for passwords, use a password manager
  6. NEVER reuse usernames if you can help it. Make usernames as random as passwords
  7. I can’t believe I need to say this, make security question answers random too, and super fake!
  8. Get a new e-mail address for everything, or at least limit how many times one is reused
  9. Stop using Gmail, but don’t assume Protonmail is fool proof, it’s just less invasive for advertising
  10. Use an alias generator like
  11. STOP using credit cards online, use a shield like or get pre-paid debit cards
  12. STOP signing up for offers, this is bad for privacy and bad for your wallet
  13. STOP hoarding coupons, both paper and digital
  14. STOP shopping for a better deal, pay for privacy, pay for shipping, less is more, quality over quantity
  15. STOP talking about when your birthday is, when your kids birthday is, when you leave home
  16. STOP showing pictures with other people, stop letting people tag you in photos
  17. Get more phone numbers, you’ll need them
  18. Know the limitations of VPN (hint : not free from government requests, don’t be stupid)
  19. Get identity theft monitoring
  20. Prepare for the worst, your information is already out there, it’s only a matter of time and opportunity
  21. DON’T flaunt what you have, be boring and invisible, hackers target people who want attention, don’t feed them.
  22. Watch what you post.
  23. Be cautious what each device is used for. Yes, you may need more than one computer or smartphone

Patrik Mathews (Not Patrick Matthews) 29 of Winnipeg The Base arrested in October 2020.

Boogaloo rally sucked them in but they never made it. This is all Mike Dunn’s fault.

Bootlickers like him are naive and always falling for the old tricks.

McVeigh is dead, Michael Moore already told you, stop repeating the same lies about creationism and anti-tax and “US is a corporation”. Paper terrorism and sovereign citizens movement won’t work, and gun nuts are only making things worse for everybody.

Hang on Mike Pence, you gotta testify.

About time somebody made him talk.

He’s been silent for the past year about this, afraid to speak out against the crime of Republican zealots.

Molotov Cockfail Mitchell still hiding like a coward while we expose Oath Keepers and Proud Boys.

Patriot Front and America First groypers can’t wait to get in court to put their views on record.