SOPA Myth & LIE, that file sharing program creators and originators are the same people who are trying to stop it

You’ve all heard this stupid rumor on the internet (most likely youtube). That CBS either invented or started peer to peer file sharing, and are hypocritically trying to stop it. A variation of it is, that they are inducing people to pirate, but are not criminalizing the people who took their bait.

WRONG. Conspiracy theories always sound too good the be true.

Fact is : Limewire, Kazaa , Napster and other p2p mp3 sharing networks, have never been made by any major media corporation, funded or otherwise. While it is true cNet & DISTRIBUTES the software, it is ONLY when it was legal and ONLY encouraged to use legally. (Kazaa and Limewire are unavailable now, making it nearly irrelevant).

CNet & are distributing all legal software, LEGALLY. Not more not less. They would never have knowingly encouraged piracy (which is illegal), thus inviting competitors to sue them. Had they chosen NOT to distribute limewire or kazaa, I bet conspiracy theorists would cook up another quack rant.

So there, SOPA is supported by most major media companies and copyright holders. They DO induce business either by putting their shows on television or by ad supported streaming, but NEVER EVER encourage piracy, p2p, torrent or otherwise. By the way, file sharing does not always equate to piracy ( can you guess when the definition works in your favor?)

Pamela Picone, REAL photos

Sorry everybody for the misunderstanding. I think I’ve managed to make peace with Pamela, and here are some AWESOME photos of her found on facebook. I’ve gotten her permission to post, but am willing to take them away if I made any mistakes.

Isn’t she gorgeous?

Pamela, sorry again, and I want your permission

I just found your facebook & twitter page again.

I’ve seen some good photos and I’d love to share them, out of respect for your privacy, and to avoid any trouble, I won’t without your permission. I’m convinced you’re a real person with a lovely body and face, not hating at all.

If your friends who are models want a boost, have them hit me up anytime. I love writing about models and sharing sexy photos.

Andy Sullivan writes article mocking Ron Paul’s doomsday alarmism fearmongering

At a campaign stop in this small city of about 7,000, Paul told breast cancer survivor Danielle Lin that insurance companies should not be required to offer coverage to people who are already sick.

As you know, it’s not OK for the government to spread fear about Muslims and global warming, but it’s fine for Ron Paul to spread fear about economic collapse, soviet style government, and other conspiracy theories about privacy invasion.